Rashad Aziz --- Jakarta, Indonesia



  1. Basic Linux Commands
    This article has some of the most commonly used basic linux commands. It also includes usage and use cases so we know when and how to use these commands.

  2. Intermediate Linux Bash Commands
    This video showcases intermediate Bash Commands such as grep, sed, awk, tar, less, and gzip. It also demonstrates piping of commands.

  3. Markdown Cheat Sheet
    This website lists all the basic markdown syntax along with context on how to use them. I personally use it myself to help me style my github page. Check it out!


  1. C Cheat Sheet
    This website hosts a very thorough article that explains everything you need to know about programming in C.

  2. C Programming Tutorial for Beginners
    A video from that is a tutorial to start programming in C for beginners.

  3. Cyber Security Introduction
    A very good video on the introduction of Cyber Security.


  1. FUSE Linux Kernel Documentation
    This website gives a brief documentation of the Filesystem in Userspace or often called FUSE.

  2. File Systems Crash Course
    A video about the basics of file systems, explains about file formats and how to operating systems organize files (directories).

  3. File-System Implementation Summary
    This website gives a summary on the file-system implementation chapter of the “Operating System Concepts” book by Abraham Silberschatz.


  1. Understanding Dynamic Memory Allocation in C (malloc(), calloc(), free() and realloc())
    A very good video explaining the purpose of each method, that also gives an example C program showcasing each method and how or when to use them.

  2. What is “Use After Free” (UAF) vulnerability
    This article by Kaspersky (a Cybersecurity Company), gives a concise and easy-to-follow article about UAF vulnerability.

  3. Address operator in C
    This website has an article explaining the purpose of address operators in C, as well as how and when to use them.


  1. What is Virtual Memory?
    This is an introduction video on what and how virtual memory works and why it is useful for every operating system to implement it.

  2. popen() implementation in C
    This is a video on what is popen() and why do we use it, and it also shows how we should implement it.


  1. Threads Cheat Sheet
    A cheat sheet that explains a bunch of terms about Threads. This gives a very good and concise explanation about threads in Operating Systems.

  2. Processes Summary
    This website gives a summary on what Processes are and how they work in our Operating Systems.


  1. Process Synchronization
    This video gives an explanation on the problems that arise when multiple processes share the same logical address space, and how to solve these problems in an orderly fashion

  2. The Critical Section Problem
    A very concise article explaining the Critical Section Problem, such as why it occurs and the possible solutions to solve the problem.

  3. What is a Deadlock? and how do we solve it?
    This video gives an explanation on what is a Deadlock in Operating Systems, such as how does it happen, real world scenarios of Deadlocks, and the strategies taken in order to handle Deadlocks.


  1. Introduction to CPU Scheduling
    A video introducing CPU Scheduling in operating systems. A really good and concise video that explains fundamental concepts really well.

  2. CPU Scheduling summary
    An article by tutorialspoint summarizing the important part of CPU scheduling topic. It gives an explanation such as the different types of schedulers used by modern operating systems.

© 2021-2021 --- Rashad Aziz --- Revision: 0018b--03-Aug-2021.